My Hairstory

In high school, I got my 2nd relaxer. I had my first relaxer in 5th grade but my mother decided that it was better for me to return to natural. For the last 10 years, I have had my ups and downs with relaxers but never considered going back. I loved my new hair and the ease of it. Natural hair seemed so difficult. When I had it in high school, it was difficult to style and I had no idea what to do with it unless my mother hot combed it. So once I started working, I got a relaxer.

For the past year, I have struggled with achieving healthy hair. Until on Easter of 2010, after looking at a picture of me with my natural hair, I decided to transition. My hair was thick, long and beautiful in that picture and I carry it around for inspiration.

In August I will be completely natural and I am counting down the days of when I will be free from my relaxer.